Thursday, February 9, 2012

Santa is Out of Job

During the annual board meeting of the Bank it was found that the expenditure versus earning ratio of the bank was not as predicted. The executives shut themselves in a room and brain stormed what would be the possible reasons for the downward ratio.

The end of the meeting they found out that the elves were using only the savings account for their salary and weren't using the money at all, they weren't sure what to do with it. The bank decided to make sure the money is spent or used up, they decided to setup a gaming arcade full of digital games, bowling alley, snooker and pool tables. In the official Reindeer gazette an ad was placed wherein the Bank claimed to be helping out elves to relax after their hard day work.


  1. Wow I am excited to know what happens next...

  2. Hey why don't you publish the story in one go!

  3. Will put in the series piece by piece :)
