Thursday, February 23, 2012

Santa is out of Job

It took some time for Schuzz to recover from the news meanwhile Schemez had brought two pint of cool North Pole special beer Clungsy . The beer is made of wild redberry apple only found in the hills of Sorlon to the east of the town. About two hundred years back Clung a senior Elf was busy experimenting with redberry apple juice and he accidently found out that he can brew a tasty beer out of this sweet and sour fruit. The Elves and Santa loved it so much Santa announced that no other drinks would be served in North Pole. "Thank you Schemez" said Schuzz while taking the pint from Schemez.

"As if the world has come to an end, I have been with the workshop my entire life and now I have to look for a new job?" Schuzz looked at Schemez "This was not meant to be, somebody has to talk in sense to Santa" said Schemez. "Schemez then let’s do it we can go together and talk to him directly and see what can be done" Schuzz dropped his pint on the sidewalk and pulled Schemez towards him. Schemez too kept his pint down and stood up, they together walked towards the workshop. Santa was sitting his office sipping the Clungsy , after every sip he would think of good old days he had spent with the Elves especially with Clung, it has been five hundred years now since his father, Santa Claus the 20th handed over the legacy to him and he was much disappointed that things turned this way. Santa was disturbed from his thoughts by a knock on the door "Who is that?" enquired Santa, "It’s us Mr.Santa Schuzz and Schemez, can we come in?" Schuzz spoke nervously. "Yes my old friends come in" said Santa. Schuzz opened the door to enter the room that was once alive and brightly lit, now light is avaliable only through the fire place burning the last logs from the store. "Ah Schuzz, Schemez how are you people doing?" enquired Santa "Things were better before Mr.Santa.." Schuzz was interrupted by Schemez, in an angry tone he asked "Why are you replacing us?" "I am not replacing anybody. It was not me who left the workshop, it was you all" Santa replied in a similar tone "What can I do should I not think about the Children’s of the world? Spoil their Christmas just because the Elves didn't come to work?" said Santa. "We are ready now to come to work, will you take us back?" asked Schuzz. "Thats you two, have you been to the town square lately? Elves are busy enjoying life, their Gaming Arcade, Hot Chocolate bar, the Bank. Would they like to come back?" asked Santa "Mr. Santa I can talk to them and see what can be done. We can start the workshop again" said Schemez. "It’s already too late I am starting the workshop next week, Mr Mo from China is helping us out this year. Maybe.." Santa said with a hesistation "..Maybe the Elves should take a break this year" Santa was looking away from Schuzz and Schemez. Nothing more to say Schuzz and Schemez disappointed walked away from the office. Santa sighed in grief, the damage has been done. ........ ...
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Visit North Pole          Santa's Village         Track Santa

1 comment:

  1. Hmm looks like a J K Rowling inspired story.....

